SWISH Entertainment
Rebecca joined SWISH early in 2002 and immediately won over the other SWISHers with her personality , and her talent! Sydney-born Rebecca was classically trained - her first ever music teacher was her aunt, who must be extremely proud of her today!

As well as the classical music, Rebecca can turn her piano-playing hands to pretty much anything... but she confesses to having a special liking for jazz and loves to play the popular songs while people sing along (her fellow SWISHers will agree that this is indeed a lot of fun).

Rebecca is the youngest member of SWISH - so much so that she probably doesn't even remember ABBA from the first time round (but that doesn't stop her from playing those 60s and 70s numbers with all the grooviness you cool cats out there could hope for).

When she isn't playing up a storm on the piano, Rebecca works with kids, and has been known to indulge in a little snowboarding in her spare time. Rumour has it that she even sports a pretty good singing voice of her own...

It's all good!